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The first edition of Arde Lvcvs was held in the year MMII with a fundamental objective: to commemorate the founding of our city by recreating its Roman and Iron Age past. It is a mix of leisure, culture and history, based on the principle of maximum historical accuracy and taking advantage of the listing of the city wall as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the year 2000.

For three days each year, the historic quarter of Lvcvs Avgvsti is transformed. This prosperous metropolis of the Roman Gallaecia offers visitors a packed programme of events, set against the magnificent backdrop of the Roman Walls of Lugo, which play a crucial role during the celebrations.

Our city is unquestionably the perfect setting for a festival of this type. Another key element behind its success is the participation of local residents, social agents, schools, associations and sports clubs who all don Roman or Iron Age costumes and throng the streets throughout the weekend, enthusiastically joining in the spirit of the celebrations.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the local government and residents, as well as the involvement of social agents, sports clubs and private sponsors, and of course city associations that carry out accurate and detailed historical re-enactments, Arde Lvcvs has grown and evolved into a perfect mix of leisure and culture, attracting large numbers of visitors and media attention. As a result of this consolidated success, on its tenth anniversary (MMXI) it was declared a Festival of Galician Tourist Interest, in 2017 a Festival of National Tourist Interest and in 2023 was declared an International Tourist Interest Festival.

. In recent years, Arde Lvcvs has gained an outstanding reputation not only in Spain but also abroad. Lugo is a member of the Spanish Association of Historical Festivals and Re-enactments and the European Federation of Historical Manifestations, boosting the city’s potential and appeal through its celebrations, both in Europe and further afield.

Visitors will find myriad surprises at every turn in the reborn Lvcvs Avgvsti. Fire, music, legendary figures, Celtic warriors and Roman legionnaires, civitas, Iron Age dwellers and visitors, and mythological characters…they are easy to spot…simply take an enjoyable stroll around our streets and share our wealth of history with us.

MACELLVM An excellent meeting point, the market is a constant hive of activity. Filled with the hustle and bustle of people as they go about their business, stalls packed with exotic goods brought from every corner of the Empire, magic…everything you can imagine and more can be found at the Arde Lvcvs Macellvm.

CASTRA DE LVCVS AVGVSTI The Arde Lvcvs camp is much more than a Roman military settlement: it is a space brimming over with life, where activity never stops. Legionnaires and gladiators, inhabitants of Lvcvs Avgvsti and other regions of the Empire rub shoulders with Iron Age tribes. Here you can take part in a whole host of activities, with events suitable for all ages, and you will also have the chance to discover many of the Iron Age clans.

CIRCVS The splendour of Lvcvs Avgvsti must be mirrored in the standard of entertainment that ancient Rome offers its civitas: THE CIRCUS! The arena is the setting for a fight to the death between the Empire’s bravest gladiators, and the roars and fervour of the spectators will be unrivalled in all Hispania.

GALICIAN SETTLEMENTS How about visiting a Galician tribe? Visit their settlements to obtain a first-hand insight into how these people lived.


Explore the military settlements, the domus, senate and Roman temples that you will encounter as you walk around the city.


Would you like to get married during Arde Lvcvs and enjoy a truly mystical experience? Roman weddings have a lot in common with contemporary ceremonies in the West: engagement rings, a veil or the wedding kiss all have their origins in Ancient Rome. Marriage is the basis of the Roman family, symbolizing the union of two people; a lifelong relationship and equality in divine and human rights. Celtic weddings are a romantic union in which the woman decides each year whether she wishes to renew her union with her partner. For the Celts, two souls join to double their strengths and qualities and make up for their shortcomings and faults through support and learning from each other. Little ones may also start their way through life with a Roman or Celtic baptism ceremony.


Slaves skilled in hairdressing, aesthetics and beauty are on hand to dress your hair in traditional Roman and Iron Age style.


Roman and Iron Age children’s activities to offer little ones a fascinating and fun-filled insight into Lvcvs Avgvsti’s cultural and historical heritage.


Give in to temptation and savour traditional dishes from the Roman and Iron Age kitchens in the restaurant area.